Friday, May 17, 2013

BENGHAZI - Obama's Watergate according to Bob Woodward

All Presidential Scandals have been measured to Watergate since the 1970's and usually both Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein rightfully so deny the comparison.  Carl Bernstein pre-Benghazi document dump was not seeing the Watergate comparison.  Now that 100 pages from The White House and State Department have been released, Bob Woodward acknowledges that The Obama Administration has gone full Nixonian and that Watergate is in the picture.  Here is Bob Woodward on Left Wing TV Organ MSNBC:

The White House has been a secretive operation from day one.  This is a group that has been incredibly thin skinned even over the more minor criticisms.  Everything in the Obama White House has been overtly political and it has been going after Obama's political opponents.  

This is Watergate, but only worse.  Richard Nixon was just paranoid.  Barack Obama and his team are trying to dominate the debate even among democrats.  The Justice Department is monitoring the media.  The IRS is silencing political opponents.  This is evil.

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