Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thiele's Thoughts Obama Thinks You Are Dumb!

President Obama is not taking responsibility for any of the scandals.  President Obama is finding out about important national security issues involving HIS ADMINISTRATION by listening to the radio, watching the TV, or checking the Web.  If we are to believe The President, I am willing to do so for this moment.

Either 2 things are going on, President Obama is not The President of the United States of America or he is lying.

Sadly, I can’t tell if either answer is correct. 

The buck stops with no one in 2013’s Washington DC.  The President sees no need to be concerned for anyone in the USA.

This is INSANE!

I wish for the return to some accountability.  Some level of interest in running this government.

We the people are asking the government to run the US Healthcare system.  The IRS will be in charge of enforcing The Affordable Care Act otherwise known as ObamaCare.

The Justice Department phone tapped The Associated Press “looking on how the media works.”  Attorney General Eric Holder our nation’s Top Cop seems to have the same issues of being totally oblivious to what is happening around him.  Mr. Holder, who is exceptionally well educated man, seems lost in his own environment.  

Common Sense is either lost in with these super educated folks or we are just being fooled.  You pick.

The idea here is that we are being taken for morons.  I don’t like being taken for a fool.  Most of us didn’t go to a Yale, Harvard, and Dartmouth etc…  Because be did not go to an elite school does not mean that we the people are stupid.  Don’t take us for idiots.    

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